Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weaving scripts

The Big Lebowski is a great movie written by the Coen brothers who made movies like The Ladykillers and No Country For Old Men, and is often known as one of THE stoner movies according to the internet.

Script from Big Lebowski

I don't know what it is about this movie but it's so funny and weird, with not so bright characters along with silly comments and situations. There's actually not much happening except for bowling more bowling and weird situations. I'm mean seriously it's about a man who is only wearing flipp-flopps, boxers, t-shirt, bathrobe and sunglasses ;)

                         I see you rolled your way into the 
                         semis.  Deos mio, man.  Seamus and 
                         me, we're gonna fuck you up.

                         Yeah well, that's just, ya know, 
                         like, your opinion, man.

               Quintana looks at Walter.

                         Let me tell you something, bendeco.  
                         You pull any your crazy shit with 
                         us, you flash a piece out on the 
                         lanes, I'll take it away from you 
                         and stick it up your ass and pull 
                         the fucking trigger til it goes 


                         You said it, man.  Nobody fucks with 
                         the Jesus.

               Jesus walks away.  Walter nods sadly.

                         Eight-year-olds, Dude.

Here is a link to youtubelink of the video;)  Nobody fucks with the Jesus

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